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My Approach

“F**k you, I won’t do what you tell me.”

– Rage Against The Machine.


I’m interested in the dynamics between power and personal freedom. How do we explore and reclaim our autonomy in a world full of rules, expectations, and others telling us what’s best for us? This thinking shapes everything I do, including my approach to wellbeing. But make no mistake – this isn’t just about defiance for the sake of it. A rebellious, questioning nature is the foundation, the starting point. It’s where the journey begins, not where it ends.

You’ll find that my approach, like me, is positive, playful, and deeply fascinated by the magic of experience and the potential for transformational change. I believe that questioning and challenging the authority of ideas is crucial because it opens the door to real discovery. But once that door is open, the real work begins: finding what’s genuinely useful to you and actually doing it. This is not about rejecting everything for the sake of rebellion; it’s about cutting through the noise to uncover what truly resonates uniquely with your mind, body, and spirit.

rebel wellbeing the hierophant tarot

For me, this process has led to a Wellbeing Recipe that’s as individual as I am, made up of different elements that I’ve tested, explored, and found to be beneficial. My recipe includes esoteric elements that may be too ‘woo-woo’ for some, but perhaps not enough for others. What works for me might not work for you – and that’s okay. The nature-based philosophy and spirituality that informs my approach, is reflected in a straight-talking style and the value I place on simplicity. The power of words, story and metaphor and the benefits of seasonal living are other themes that run consistently through my work.

Ultimately, this is an invitation to embark on your own journey of discovery, to experiment with different ideas, practices, and perspectives until you find what truly serves you. So, start with rebellion, but go beyond it. Discover what truly nourishes you, what brings you balance, peace, and vitality. I want to encourage, support, and inspire – not to tell you what to do. Because real wellbeing is personal, and it’s up to you to define and implement your recipe on your own terms.